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coaches code of conduct

Up & Comers Football Club – Standards of Behaviour

Remember that children play for FUN.

1.       Do not hold team meetings or pre-match team talks that are negative, threatening, or aggressive towards the players.

2.       Do not punish players for poor performances or losses.

3.       Do not permit negativity from parents or managers towards their son or daughter due to performance, or language berating their son / daughters’ actions.

The matches are children’s football and the score line will quickly be forgotten but actions that take away the fun will be remembered. At development level age groups there is no league point system therefore the win, lose or draw is irrelevant. Under 13’s Upwards results and League Tables will be published, but does it really matter?

·         DO be supportive when players make mistakes.

·         DO encourage the players to be respectful to referees, opposition players and managers.

We expect our Club Coaches to adhere to the Club's code of conduct, best practise and club values. Failure to do this will result in disciplinary action.

Disciplinary Actions

●       Advice and Guidance.

●       First Warning.

●       Final Warning.

●       Suspension from club activities.

●       Removal from the club. 


Coach education is a massive part of our Club's culture. On this page our current coaches can find sources that will help them on their coaching journey. We as a Club want to create the best fun and safe experience for our players. In 2023, the Club partnered with the Coaching Manual which is a online coaching platform that our coaches can gain access to which has some great coaching tools and session practises, videos and much more.